This Is Dedicated

This Is Dedicated

to the fireflies

they hover

muggy over June

fields signaling

clues for waxing

crescent moons

this is dedicated

to the Atlantic tides

that bring the sea

turtles’ mission burying

eggs on sands of

barrier islands

their mantra repeats

beats of deep time

to the upright beech trees

of the northern forest

that talk invisibly below

our feet

through roots that chatter and heal

to the nightcrawlers that bathe

in the clover after a Monday

night shower

they warn the worms

of carp in the Scioto

when fireflies arrive

peach trees chant

blueberries sing

for the owl in the oak

this is dedicated

to the mother doe

in tall grass shaded by cottonwoods

she refuses to nurse


her newborn fawn

to the salty echoes of Kaddish

at a Christian memorial

to the mourners

who will never again

watch movies with their friend

trap lightening in a jar

this is dedicated

to the man

with one bullet

tall and thirty forever

About orangeacorn

We are, I believe, and everything is, in perpetual unfolding/enfolding/evolving. There are other worlds with us, there's more than appears. I'm a Columbus, Ohio husband, father, grandfather and friend. I find comfort in the One-ness. I rearrange letters/syllables/words to create art for the attention economy, now yours, as guided by string band rhythms from the ridges of Pocahontas County, West Virginia, the vortex of the ancient drone.
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